Two hydrocelectomies within 4 months and may need a third. Although I have trust in my current urologist, should I seek out another practitioner?

I've had two hydrocelectomies in 4 months. Now, I have two hard lumps. The painful one is medial, at the bottom of my scrotum. The other one is less painful and near the inguinal canal. When the drain was removed one day post-op, I was told it was due to the cutting involved. Palpating both lumps. Feels like a garden hose was cut off. I'm 65 but sexual performance will be difficult. Very uncomfortable sitting for any length of time. Testicles feel like they are not hanging normally.

Answers from doctors (1)

John C. McHugh, MD

Published on Sep 02, 2018

It is my feeling that if a patient of mine considers getting a second opinion, he should get one. The chances are that your situation is atypical and difficult and nothing has been done wrong. Still, I say, "A second opinion is never a bad idea." We say in the business, "Let's get a second set of eyes on this."

Answered by John C. McHugh, MD

It is my feeling that if a patient of mine considers getting a second opinion, he should get one. The chances are that your situation is atypical and difficult and nothing has been done wrong. Still, I say, "A second opinion is never a bad idea." We say in the business, "Let's get a second set of eyes on this."

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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